**You must answer the I'm not a robot CAPTCHA question at the bottom of this page FIRST before filling out the form. Otherwise, you will not be able to click the Submit button.
Effective August 15, 2021 - All youth 18 and under can ride regular Muni service for free without proof of payment. No need to submit an application. Just board and go. This form is only required for youth who live in San Francisco who wish to use Cable Car service for regular travel.
Lost/Stolen RTC cards: Visit the SFMTA RTC Discount ID Office, 27A Van Ness Avenue (at Market), San Francisco, CA 94102 to fill out a replacement card form. A $5 fee applies to all replacement cards. Hours: Monday-Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
If your Clipper card has been lost or stolen please contact the Clipper Customer Service Center (1.877.878.8883)
If you are submitting this application on behalf of another person, please provide their information in the fields below
If your application is accepted, your last transit citation issued within 30 days of enrollment is eligible for dismissal. Please provide a citation or ID number from the citation so that we may review your record.
Contact Information